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Smart Far­ming made easy.

- Our Mission -

Enhan­ce the way
of Far­ming.
easy & Effi­ci­ent­ly.

AGXTEND is dedi­ca­ted to acce­le­ra­ting pio­nee­ring tech­ni­cal solu­ti­ons in agri­cul­tu­re. We pro­vi­de ground­brea­king tech­no­lo­gies through pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment part­ner­ships with agtech-start­ups.


- AGXTEND. A brand of CNH Industrial -

We are A strong brand with a strong band.

Lever­aging CNH Industrial’s exper­ti­se and glo­bal net­work, AGXTEND aims to deli­ver rapid inno­va­ti­on, sus­taina­bi­li­ty and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty-boos­ting equip­ment that help make far­ming easier and smar­ter.

CNH Industrial-Brands

- AGXTEND. A brand of CNH Industrial -

We are A strong brand with a strong band.

Lever­aging CNH Industrial’s exper­ti­se and glo­bal net­work, AGXTEND aims to deli­ver rapid inno­va­ti­on, sus­taina­bi­li­ty and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty-boos­ting equip­ment that help make far­ming easier and smar­ter.


Soil, Water & Seeds
Fuel & Emis­si­ons
Fer­ti­li­zer & Pesti­ci­des


User expe­ri­ence
Envi­ron­men­tal impact
Data avai­la­bi­li­ty
Qua­li­ty of crop


Dis­tri­bu­ti­on of inputs
in the field Field
per­for­mance Yield 
Logi­stics and decis­i­ons
based on data

- Our solutions -

AGXTEND is alre­a­dy com­mer­cia­li­zing and incu­ba­ting new tech­no­lo­gies:

A com­ple­te agro­no­mic solu­ti­on: our all-in-one crop and soil sen­sor.

Learn more.

A com­ple­te agro­no­mic solu­ti­on: our all-in-one crop and soil sen­sor.

Learn more.


The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on for urban and land­scape are­as.

Learn more.

The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on for viti­cul­tu­re and orchards.

Learn more.


Pre­cis­i­on far­ming for con­vey­or type har­ves­ters.

Learn more.

Keeps an eye on your field and pro­vi­des real-time data on crop growth and health.

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Pre­cis­i­on far­ming for con­vey­or type har­ves­ters.

Learn more.

Keeps an eye on your field and pro­vi­des real-time data on crop growth and health.

Learn more.


Ana­ly­ze your grains, fora­ge and liquid manu­re on the go.

Learn more.


Solu­ti­ons to gui­de your imple­ments more pre­cis­e­ly.

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Solu­ti­ons to gui­de your imple­ments more pre­cis­e­ly.

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Intel­li­gent plan­ting solu­ti­on.

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Intel­li­gent plan­ting solu­ti­on.

Learn more.


Agro­no­mic ser­vices based on images.

Learn more.

Advan­ced soil sens­ing and dia­gno­se.

Learn more.


Ope­ra­ti­on moni­to­ring and manage­ment.

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Ope­ra­ti­on moni­to­ring and manage­ment.

Learn more.

A com­ple­te agro­no­mic solu­ti­on: our all-in-one crop and soil sen­sor.

Learn more.

The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on for viti­cul­tu­re and orchards.

Learn more.

The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on for urban and land­scape are­as.

Learn more.

Pre­cis­i­on far­ming for con­vey­or type har­ves­ters.

Learn more.

Keeps an eye on your field and pro­vi­des real-time data on crop growth and health.

Learn more.

Ana­ly­ze your grains, fora­ge and liquid manu­re on the go.

Learn more.

Solu­ti­ons to gui­de your imple­ments more pre­cis­e­ly.

Learn more.

Intel­li­gent plan­ting solu­ti­on.

Learn more.

Advan­ced soil sens­ing and dia­gno­se.

Learn more.

Agro­no­mic ser­vices based on images.

Learn more.

Ope­ra­ti­on moni­to­ring and manage­ment.

Learn more.

Start your journey now.
Get in touch with us.

    By fil­ling out this form we will pro­cess your data in com­pli­ance with our Pri­va­cy Noti­ce

    And Join our growing community.

    Dis­co­ver more about our pur­po­se and our pro­ducts on social media. Get the latest news. Get in touch. Get inspi­red.

    Xpect more.