Designed for urban applications

The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on
for urban and land­scape are­as.

- discover a new way of weed control -

xPower xpu takes care of public paths and our envi­ron­ment.

The XPU has been spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped for appli­ca­ti­on across all sur­faces typi­cal­ly found in urban envi­ron­ment.

Its com­pact design makes it ide­al for nar­row-track trac­tors and thanks to fle­xi­ble elec­tro­des, the appli­ca­tor adapts to any sur­face even at dif­fe­rent heights.

XPower XPU is com­po­sed by:
- One gene­ra­tor dri­ven by the PTO pro­du­cing up to 36kW.
- One front appli­ca­tor 1.20m wide with an off­set of +/- 50cm for side appli­ca­ti­ons.

Xpower xpu makes all the dif­fe­rence.

Brings solutions where there are none.

The elec­tric wee­d­ing allows the tre­at­ment of inva­si­ve and gly­pho­sa­te-resistant plants as knot­weed (Fallo­pia japa­ne­se) or rag­weed (Ambro­sia arte­mi­sii­fo­lia).

Appro­ved by CEDR (Con­fe­rence of Euro­pean Direc­tors of Roads).

Your benefits

  • Fast and dura­ble action: it is resi­due-free and can be appli­ed in most wea­ther con­di­ti­ons.
  • It does not lose its effec­ti­ve­ness in case of rain after appli­ca­ti­on.
  • The XPU user is not expo­sed to toxic sub­s­tances.
  • Respectful of soil inte­gri­ty and water qua­li­ty.
  • XPower appli­ca­ti­ons are not sub­ject to legal rest­ric­tions and can be appli­ed in all are­as, e.g. along water ways.
  • No addi­tio­nal sup­pli­es (hot water, gas, manu­al ope­ra­ti­ons…) requi­red.

Case ih
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Your benefits

  • Fast and dura­ble action: it is resi­due-free and can be appli­ed in most wea­ther con­di­ti­ons.
  • It does not lose its effec­ti­ve­ness in case of rain after appli­ca­ti­on.
  • The XPU user is not expo­sed to toxic sub­s­tances.
  • Respectful of soil inte­gri­ty and water qua­li­ty.
  • XPower appli­ca­ti­ons are not sub­ject to legal rest­ric­tions and can be appli­ed in all are­as, e.g. along water ways.
  • No addi­tio­nal sup­pli­es (hot water, gas, manu­al ope­ra­ti­ons…) requi­red.

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