Product overview

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Xpect new ways of farming.

AGXTEND™ offers a full ran­ge of pre­cis­i­on solu­ti­ons and con­nec­ted ser­vices to faci­li­ta­te the adop­ti­on of tech­no­lo­gies which help dri­ve agri­cul­tu­re for­ward.

Til­la­ge & Soil pre­pa­ra­ti­on


Our categories



Weed con­trol

Our categories

Til­la­ge & Soil pre­pa­ra­ti­on

Weed con­trol




A com­ple­te agro­no­mic solu­ti­on: our all-in-one crop and soil sen­sor.

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A com­ple­te agro­no­mic solu­ti­on: our all-in-one crop and soil sen­sor.

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The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on for urban and land­scape are­as.

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The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on for viti­cul­tu­re and orchards.

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Pre­cis­i­on far­ming for con­vey­or type har­ves­ters.

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Keeps an eye on your field and pro­vi­des real-time data on crop growth and health.

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Pre­cis­i­on far­ming for con­vey­or type har­ves­ters.

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Keeps an eye on your field and pro­vi­des real-time data on crop growth and health.

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Ana­ly­ze your grains, fora­ge and liquid manu­re on the go.

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Solu­ti­ons to gui­de your imple­ments more pre­cis­e­ly.

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Solu­ti­ons to gui­de your imple­ments more pre­cis­e­ly.

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Intel­li­gent plan­ting solu­ti­on.

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Intel­li­gent plan­ting solu­ti­on.

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Agro­no­mic ser­vices based on images.

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Advan­ced soil sens­ing and dia­gno­se.

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Ope­ra­ti­on moni­to­ring and manage­ment.

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Ope­ra­ti­on moni­to­ring and manage­ment.

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A com­ple­te agro­no­mic solu­ti­on: our all-in-one crop and soil sen­sor.

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The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on for viti­cul­tu­re and orchards.

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The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on for urban and land­scape are­as.

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Pre­cis­i­on far­ming for con­vey­or type har­ves­ters.

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Keeps an eye on your field and pro­vi­des real-time data on crop growth and health.

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Ana­ly­ze your grains, fora­ge and liquid manu­re on the go.

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Solu­ti­ons to gui­de your imple­ments more pre­cis­e­ly.

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Intel­li­gent plan­ting solu­ti­on.

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Advan­ced soil sens­ing and dia­gno­se.

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Agro­no­mic ser­vices based on images.

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Ope­ra­ti­on moni­to­ring and manage­ment.

Learn more.

Do you want to know more?
Get in touch with us.

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