

Ope­ra­ti­on Moni­to­ring
and Manage­ment

With OPERE+, you use your mobi­le pho­ne to increase the pro­duc­ti­vi­ty of your ope­ra­ti­on, having access to various useful ope­ra­ting and per­for­mance infor­ma­ti­on of your machi­ne, and all wit­hout the instal­la­ti­on of cables or com­plex pro­grams.

OPERE+ (which is part of the OPXPERT cate­go­ry) is a free appli­ca­ti­on that allows pro­du­cers of all sizes and cul­tures to moni­tor the time of ope­ra­ti­ons, track the speed of the work, the machi­ne rou­te, record the reasons for stop­ping, and also con­trol the sup­p­ly and mana­ge main­ten­an­ce tables. Check out, in the fol­lo­wing video, more details about the solu­ti­on:

OPERE+ (which is part of the OPXPERT cate­go­ry) is a free appli­ca­ti­on that allows pro­du­cers of all sizes and cul­tures to moni­tor the time of ope­ra­ti­ons, track the speed of the work, the machi­ne rou­te, record the reasons for stop­ping, and also con­trol the sup­p­ly and mana­ge main­ten­an­ce tables. Check out, in the fol­lo­wing video, more details about the solu­ti­on:

This is the first app that demo­cra­ti­zes digi­tal agri­cul­tu­re, becau­se it offers infor­ma­ti­on sim­ply, free, wit­hout the need for con­nec­ti­vi­ty and wit­hout phy­si­cal inter­face with the machi­ne. It uses exis­ting smart­phone sen­sors and, with few taps on the mobi­le pho­ne screen, the small far­mer has real ‑time ins­truc­tions on how to impro­ve ope­ra­ti­on, even in are­as whe­re the­re is no inter­net.

  • Moni­to­ring of real ‑time ins­truc­tion direct­ly on the smart­phone
  • Faci­li­ta­ted ope­ra­ti­on moni­to­ring
  • Main­ten­an­ce check­list to pre­ser­ve equip­ment life
  • Ope­ra­ti­on even in loca­ti­ons wit­hout inter­net
  • Does not requi­re the use of cables or com­plex pro­grams, as the app on the smart­phone is enough
  • Easi­ly usable by pro­du­cers of all sizes and machi­nes of any model

If you are interested in this Agxtend solution and want to learn more about the product, please leave your details in the form below.

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