

Through the line con­trol and line shut­down, XACTPLANTING ensu­res a per­fect seed dis­tri­bu­ti­on, avo­i­ding fail­ures and over­lap. An intel­li­gent plan­ting solu­ti­on that impro­ves and faci­li­ta­tes the ope­ra­ti­on of rural pro­du­cers of all sizes and con­texts.

In prac­ti­ce, the solu­ti­on ensu­res uni­form dis­tri­bu­ti­on of inputs and opti­mi­zed use of soil through intel­li­gent plan­ting, which uses fea­tures pre­sent in equip­ment to enable indi­vi­du­al con­trol of each plan­ting line, ie, will avo­id dupli­ca­te flaws and lines.

In prac­ti­ce, the solu­ti­on ensu­res uni­form dis­tri­bu­ti­on of inputs and opti­mi­zed use of soil through intel­li­gent plan­ting, which uses fea­tures pre­sent in equip­ment to enable indi­vi­du­al con­trol of each plan­ting line, ie, will avo­id dupli­ca­te flaws and lines.

Through soft­ware intel­li­gence, each plan­ting line is indi­vi­du­al­ly con­trol­led and ensu­res the cor­rect spa­cing bet­ween the seeds in lines or cur­ves. It is the per­fect com­bi­na­ti­on with pro­ven com­pon­ents for a pro­duc­tion that meets the needs of grea­ter effi­ci­en­cy in the field.

  • Uni­form seed spa­cing
  • Pre­vents plan­ting over­lap
  • Cur­ved com­pen­sa­ti­on
  • Fixed and varia­ble rate of seeds
  • Maxi­miza­ti­on of pro­duc­ti­ve poten­ti­als
  • Robust­ness and ease

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