
Agro­no­mic moni­to­ring
ser­vices by images

This solu­ti­on is a revo­lu­tio­na­ry way of map­ping, moni­to­ring and mana­ging crops through dro­ne images that allow you to deli­ver a num­ber of ser­vices that are con­stant­ly enhan­ced, brin­ging arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence and tech­no­lo­gy to the coun­try­si­de.

DRONEXPLORER increa­ses the asser­ti­ve­ness of the producer’s actions, offe­ring exclu­si­ve agro­no­mic reports to assist in decis­i­on making, from plan­ting to har­ve­st.

  • Alti­me­try data and loca­li­zed appli­ca­ti­on reports
  • Path plan­ning
  • Ana­ly­sis and detec­tion of plan­ting fail­ures
  • Spray line maps
  • Har­ve­st line maps
  • Water­flow
  • Weed map­ping

If you are interested in this Agxtend solution and want to learn more about the product, please leave your details in the form below.

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