safe fuel, reduce driver fatigue and crop damage:

Solu­ti­ons to gui­de your
imple­ments more pre­cis­e­ly.

TrackX­con­trol allows you to con­trol your stee­ra­ble imple­ments and ploughs at RTK accu­ra­cy.

Deve­lo­ped for CNH Indus­tri­al gui­dance sys­tems, the solu­ti­on is com­pa­ti­ble with the majo­ri­ty of vario-ploughs, plan­ters and stee­ring sys­tems. TrackX­con­trol offers you two dif­fe­rent solu­ti­ons:

Imple­ment­Con­trol – Acti­ve RTK imple­ment stee­ring

Plough­Con­trol – Auto­ma­tic GPS plough and fur­row width con­trol

Plough­Con­trol – Auto­ma­tic GPS plough and fur­row width con­trol

TrackX­con­trol allows you to con­trol your stee­ra­ble imple­ments and ploughs at RTK accu­ra­cy.

Deve­lo­ped for CNH Indus­tri­al gui­dance sys­tems, the solu­ti­on is com­pa­ti­ble with the majo­ri­ty of vario-ploughs, plan­ters and stee­ring sys­tems. TrackX­con­trol offers you two dif­fe­rent solu­ti­ons:

Imple­ment­Con­trol – Acti­ve RTK imple­ment stee­ring

PloughControl – Automatic
plough and furrow width control

Clean and straight ploug­hing is the pre­re­qui­si­te for a flat seed­bed and suc­cessful ara­ble far­ming. Opti­mal plough set­tings enable impro­ved pul­ling power and redu­ce fuel con­sump­ti­on.


Plant straight, optimizing the land you have. Compatible with side shift, disc or drawbar configurations.

Clean and straight ploug­hing is the pre­re­qui­si­te for a flat seed­bed and suc­cessful ara­ble far­ming. Opti­mal plough set­tings enable impro­ved pul­ling power and redu­ce fuel con­sump­ti­on.

The solu­ti­on offers you auto-head­land func­tion­a­li­ty as well as auto­ma­tic stee­ring while rever­sing.

RTK Modem and sub­scrip­ti­on can be shared bet­ween the trac­tors gui­dance and the imple­ment.

Mecha­ni­sa­tie­be­dri­jf Ver­meu­len BV, loca­ted in the Net­her­lands, has been a sup­pli­er of machi­nes in the agri­cul­tu­ral sec­tor sin­ce 1936. The com­pa­ny deve­lo­ped and exten­si­ve­ly tes­ted Plough­Con­trol on the wet clay of Zee­land. While con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping fur­ther and impro­ving Plough­Con­trol, the ran­ge has been expan­ded to include the Imple­ment­Con­trol solu­ti­on.

Guide your implement where you want it to go!
Get in touch with us.

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