Yield monitoring from your potato field

Pre­cis­i­on far­ming for
con­vey­or type har­ves­ters.

Yiel­dXact is moun­ted on con­vey­or-type har­ve­s­t­ing machi­nes. It enables you to record yields on pota­to fields, fil­ling the gap in your crop rota­ti­on data whe­re yield infor­ma­ti­on was pre­vious­ly unavailable.
Opti­mi­ze your har­ve­s­t­ing pro­cess and crea­te valuable data for the next sea­son.

Accu­ra­te yield data enables you to make infor­med decis­i­ons about fer­ti­liza­ti­on, irri­ga­ti­on and other pro­duc­tion steps that have influence on your crop yield and qua­li­ty.

Yiel­dXact works on exis­ting ISOBUS dis­plays and fea­tures a very user-fri­end­ly inter­face. This also allows for easy cali­bra­ti­on.

Important field data always at hand.

With the real-time uplink to the Yiel­dX­tend por­tal, all the data moni­to­red can be ana­ly­sed and used to crea­te yield maps.


Sui­ta­ble for self-pro­pel­led and pul­led har­ves­ters

Yield (kg/ha) is mea­su­red as the pro­duct is pas­sed over load cells on the con­vey­or.


Agro­plan­ning Smart Far­ming is an ag-tech com­pa­ny based in Spain.

Its pro­duct ran­ge and tech­ni­cal exper­ti­se are main­ly rela­ted to crop yield mea­su­ring and pre­cise con­trol of inputs, by use of GNSS, IMU’s, ISOBUS, satel­li­te images and loT tech­no­lo­gies.

Technical specifications

The Yiel­dXact kit is easy to install and cali­bra­te, and con­sists of all com­pon­ents nee­ded to equip your har­ve­s­t­ing machi­ne:


  • 2 load cells
  • Speed sen­sor
  • Incli­no­me­ter-junc­tion box
  • Lin­ker­box con­sis­ting of GPS-Modem

Case ih
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Technical specifications

The Yiel­dXact kit is easy to install and cali­bra­te, and con­sists of all com­pon­ents nee­ded to equip your har­ve­s­t­ing machi­ne:

• 2 load cells
• Speed sen­sor
• Incli­no­me­ter-junc­tion box
• Lin­ker­box con­sis­ting of GPS-Modem

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