
farmxtend: Sensor-based crop management

A com­ple­te agro­no­mic
solu­ti­on: our all-in-one
crop and soil sen­sor.

- get to know your crop closely -

The smart choice for sus­tainable decis­i­ons.

Far­mX­tend enables you to make agro­no­mic decis­i­ons based on ultra-local meteo­ro­lo­gi­cal data. Make tar­ge­ted decis­i­ons and save inputs on your farm.

Dise­as­eX­pert warns you in time about dise­a­ses and SprayX­pert gives recom­men­da­ti­ons on the most effi­ci­ent times to app­ly crop pro­tec­tion pro­ducts.

The solu­ti­ons con­sist of the Fiel­dXact sen­sor and the Far­mX­tend app.

The Fiel­dXact sen­sor mea­su­res all rele­vant wea­ther para­me­ters real-time in the field, at crop and soil levels with an inte­gra­ted rain gau­ge and other spe­ci­fic sen­sors.

Wire­less­ly con­nec­ted to the Far­mX­tend app whe­re data is trans­for­med into infor­ma­ti­on.

With data from all the­se dif­fe­rent sen­sors and from vali­da­ted exter­nal wea­ther data sources con­ver­ted into rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on, it is a valuable tool for dai­ly decis­i­on making.


The Far­mX­tend Crop Care solu­ti­on offers two agro­no­mic advice models:


Abili­ty to indi­ca­te the risk of infec­tion of a par­ti­cu­lar crop for major plant patho­gens



High­light­ing the opti­mum time for your appli­ca­ti­ons for the best results in crop pro­tec­tion

Apps­fo­rAgri, based in the Net­her­lands, deli­vers com­ple­te solu­ti­ons in the field of pre­cis­i­on far­ming ran­ging from sen­sors to infor­ma­ti­on manage­ment to aid far­mers in working effi­ci­ent­ly and sus­tain­ab­ly.

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Make better decisions in your daily crop care!

It is still you making the important decis­i­ons, but with Far­mX­tend your know­ledge is sup­port­ed with all rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on. This helps you deal with the rising com­ple­xi­ty of far­ming – and saves you time, money and has a posi­ti­ve effect on our envi­ron­ment.

Make better decisions in your daily crop care!

It is still you making the important decis­i­ons, but with Far­mX­tend your know­ledge is sup­port­ed with all rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on. This helps you deal with the rising com­ple­xi­ty of far­ming – and saves you time, money and has a posi­ti­ve effect on our envi­ron­ment.

GET to know your crop better.
Get in touch with us.

    By fil­ling out this form we will pro­cess your data in com­pli­ance with our Pri­va­cy Noti­ce

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