Augmenta keeps an eye on your field.

Paving the way for
pro­fi­ta­ble sus­taina­bi­li­ty.

By pro­vi­ding real-time data on crop growth and health, the AUGMENTA MANTIS helps you to iden­ti­fy are­as in your fields to which spe­cial atten­ti­on should be paid.

The 4k came­ras detect dise­a­ses or nut­ri­ent defi­ci­en­ci­es ear­ly, enab­ling you to take cor­rec­ti­ve action and impro­ve your crop manage­ment and the­r­e­fo­re your yield. Redu­cing the use of che­mi­cal inputs saves you money, impro­ves soil health, leads to a healt­hi­er envi­ron­ment and over­all con­tri­bu­tes to more sus­tainable agri­cul­tu­re.


Com­pa­ti­ble with self pro­pel­led sprea­ders, spray­ers and imple­ments. Retro­fit VRA con­trol­ler kit also available for old equip­ment.

Self-cali­bra­ting AUGMENTA MANTIS pro­vi­des a full view of appli­ca­ti­on width (up to 40m).

Augmenta’s See and Act Tech­no­lo­gy appli­es your inputs as you go impro­ving your pro­fit – 100% auto­ma­ted varia­ble rate appli­ca­ti­on con­trol.


Real-time in depth field analytics on the AUGMENTA web platform.


App­ly­ing ide­al rates of nitro­gen (liquid/solid) to meet the spe­ci­fic nut­ri­tio­nal requi­re­ments of the crop.

Per­form a more sophisti­ca­ted in-sea­son nitro­gen VRA by uti­li­zing exis­ting field data (soil samples, yield maps, etc.)

App­ly­ing ide­al rates of a har­ve­st aid to time­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly har­ve­st crops.

App­ly the recom­men­ded dose of fun­gi­ci­de smart­ly.

App­ly­ing ide­al rates of a plant growth regu­la­tor to modi­fy plant growth to sup­press or pro­mo­te various growth cha­rac­te­ristics.

App­ly­ing ide­al rates of nitro­gen (liquid/solid) to meet the spe­ci­fic nut­ri­tio­nal requi­re­ments of the crop.

Per­form a more sophisti­ca­ted in-sea­son nitro­gen VRA by uti­li­zing exis­ting field data (soil samples, yield maps, etc.)

App­ly­ing ide­al rates of a har­ve­st aid to time­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly har­ve­st crops.

App­ly the recom­men­ded dose of fun­gi­ci­de smart­ly.

App­ly­ing ide­al rates of a plant growth regu­la­tor to modi­fy plant growth to sup­press or pro­mo­te various growth cha­rac­te­ristics.

The machi­ne visi­on solu­ti­ons com­pa­ny Aug­men­ta star­ted off as an AGXTEND part­ner in 2019 and was acqui­red by CNH Indus­tri­al in Spring 2023. It is the crea­tor of an inno­va­ti­ve real-time, came­ra based sys­tem which auto­ma­tes the most impactful far­ming ope­ra­ti­ons such as nitro­gen and che­mi­cal appli­ca­ti­ons.

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