Managing your valuable nutrients more precisely:

Ana­ly­ze your grains, fora­ge
and liquid manu­re on the go.

DLG-quality seal

Near-infrared (NIR) tech­no­lo­gy pro­vi­des infor­ma­ti­on about the com­po­si­ti­on of your grains, fora­ge or slur­ry. Inclu­ding dry mat­ter, pro­te­in, starch, fib­re, neu­tral deter­gent fib­re, acid deter­gent fib­re and sugar. NIR­Xact eli­mi­na­tes long distances and wai­ting times for labo­ra­to­ry results. Also, the cost of the ana­ly­sis decrea­ses.

Mana­ge your grain logi­stics based on qua­li­ty as you har­ve­st, opti­mi­sing com­mo­di­ty value


Mana­ge your grain logi­stics based on qua­li­ty as you har­ve­st, opti­mi­sing com­mo­di­ty value

Know the qua­li­ty of resour­ces, not just the quan­ti­ty and under­stand the nut­ri­tio­nal value of what you pro­du­ce

Manur­eX­con­trol has been tes­ted and appro­ved by the Ger­man Agri­cul­tu­ral Socie­ty (DLG)

Con­trol the rate of slur­ry appli­ca­ti­on based on spe­ci­fic nut­ri­ent values

Case ih
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Con­trol the rate of slur­ry appli­ca­ti­on based on spe­ci­fic nut­ri­ent values

Stop waiting for lab results, Analyze in real time!
Get in touch with us.

    Wenn Sie die­ses For­mu­lar aus­fül­len, ver­ar­bei­ten wir Ihre Daten in Über­ein­stim­mung mit unse­rer Daten­schutz­er­klä­rung

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