developed for viticulture and orchards

Che­mi­cal-free wee­d­ing
solu­ti­on pre­ser­ving soil
struc­tu­re, life and the

- discover a new way of weed control -

xPower xps takes care of
your heri­ta­ge.

Two 50 cm appli­ca­tors (left & right) desi­gned for under vine weed manage­ment. Both appli­ca­tors fea­ture retrac­ta­ble arms that opti­mi­ze weed con­trol around posts and vines wit­hout dama­ging the crop and are available in a front or rear con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on.

7 days after the first tre­at­ment
with our XPower XPS.

Two front-moun­ted 80 cm appli­ca­tors desi­gned for under-tree weed manage­ment. Both appli­ca­tors fea­ture retrac­ta­ble arms that opti­mi­se weed con­trol around tree trunks.

Xpower xps is the best alter­na­ti­ve on the mar­ket to agro­che­mi­cals and […] it has the poten­ti­al to redu­ce the num­ber of weed con­trol tre­at­ments in the gro­wing sea­son.

Two front-moun­ted 80 cm appli­ca­tors desi­gned for under-tree weed manage­ment. Both appli­ca­tors fea­ture retrac­ta­ble arms that opti­mi­se weed con­trol around tree trunks.

Xpower xps is the best alter­na­ti­ve on the mar­ket to agro­che­mi­cals and […] it has the poten­ti­al to redu­ce the num­ber of weed con­trol tre­at­ments in the gro­wing sea­son.

complete solution. Zero chemicals.
Swipe to Get your own experience.

- Gene­ra­tor dri­ven by the PTO of the trac­tor
- 24 or 36 kW with the power boost opti­on
- Appli­ca­tors of 50 or 80 cm – front or rear moun­ting
- Working speed up to 4 km/h


  • Fast and dura­ble action: it is resi­due-free and can be appli­ed in most wea­ther con­di­ti­ons.
  • It does not lose its effec­ti­ve­ness in case of rain after appli­ca­ti­on.
  • The XPower user is not expo­sed to toxic sub­s­tances.
  • Neither the soil, water nor insects are affec­ted during the appli­ca­ti­on
    (vali­da­ted by natio­nal tech­ni­cal insti­tu­tes)
  • XPower appli­ca­ti­ons are not sub­ject to legal rest­ric­tions and can be appli­ed in all are­as, e.g. along water ways.
  • No addi­tio­nal sup­pli­es (hot water, gas, manu­al ope­ra­ti­ons…) requi­red.
  • XPower can be used in orga­nic far­ming based on Euro­pean regu­la­ti­on RUE2018/848.

Case ih
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Your Benefits

  • Fast and dura­ble action: it is resi­due-free and can be appli­ed in most wea­ther con­di­ti­ons.
  • It does not lose its effec­ti­ve­ness in case of rain after appli­ca­ti­on.
  • The XPower user is not expo­sed to toxic sub­s­tances.
  • Neither the soil, water nor insects are affec­ted during the appli­ca­ti­on
    (vali­da­ted by natio­nal tech­ni­cal insti­tu­tes)
  • XPower appli­ca­ti­ons are not sub­ject to legal rest­ric­tions and can be appli­ed in all are­as, e.g. along water ways.
  • No addi­tio­nal sup­pli­es (hot water, gas, manu­al ope­ra­ti­ons…) requi­red.
  • XPower can be used in orga­nic far­ming based on Euro­pean regu­la­ti­on RUE2018/848.

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