Discover the electrifying xpower range

The new way of wee­d­ing:
using the power of

XPower enables you to mana­ge weeds in a sus­tainable way using high-vol­ta­ge tech­no­lo­gy. This sys­te­mic mode of action is working wit­hout any usa­ge of che­mi­cals while respec­ting the inte­gri­ty of the soil.

All XPower models use the same working prin­ci­ple: a con­trol­led dose of elec­tri­ci­ty which is pro­vi­ded local­ly from the mecha­ni­cal ener­gy of the trac­tor by a gene­ra­tor.

From orchard to urban –
multiple applications,
choose yours.

The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on
for viti­cul­tu­re and orchards
Learn more.

The zero-che­mis­try solu­ti­on for
urban and land­scape are­as.
Learn more.

Works down to the roots.

100% resi­due-free XPower cau­ses instant and irrever­si­ble plant dama­ge – from the leaf to the roots.

- Xpower safety -

Safe­ty first!

Many imple­men­ted safe­ty fea­tures and prac­ti­ces make XPower machi­nes safe for the sur­roun­ding envi­ron­ment and the ope­ra­tor, in com­pli­ance with CE stan­dard.

That „ZASSO“ means „Plants growing in the wrong place“ in Japanese?

The name, Zas­so, was cho­sen in honour of Satoru Nari­ta, the Japa­ne­se Bra­zi­li­an who had deve­lo­ped and field-tes­ted the first pro­to­ty­pe in the ear­ly 1990s.

ZASSO is an inno­va­ti­ve Swiss-based com­pa­ny spe­cia­li­zed in non-che­mi­cal weed manage­ment solu­ti­ons using advan­ced power elec­tro­nics. Offices are loca­ted in in Zug (Switz­er­land), Indaia­tu­ba (Bra­zil) and Aachen (Ger­ma­ny).

contact us!

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