Managing your valuable nutrients more precisely:

Analyze your grains, forage
and liquid manure on the go.

DLG-quality seal

Near-infrared (NIR) technology provides information about the composition of your grains, forage or slurry. Including dry matter, protein, starch, fibre, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and sugar. NIRXact eliminates long distances and waiting times for laboratory results. Also, the cost of the analysis decreases.

Manage your grain logistics based on quality as you harvest, optimising commodity value


Manage your grain logistics based on quality as you harvest, optimising commodity value

Know the quality of resources, not just the quantity and understand the nutritional value of what you produce

ManureXcontrol has been tested and approved by the German Agricultural Society (DLG)

Control the rate of slurry application based on specific nutrient values

Control the rate of slurry application based on specific nutrient values

Stop waiting for lab results, Analyze in real time!
Get in touch with us.

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